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Centre Website Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I book my place on a CPD?

You can book your place on a CPD by following the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1 - Click the 'REGISTER' button

Step 2 - Complete the Registration Form

Step 3 - Check your email (and spam box) for Registration Confirmation

Step 4 - Return to the website and log in

Step 5 - Go to the 'CPD' tab, select your chosen CPD and book your place. If the CPD is free, check your email for Booking Confirmation

Paid CPD?

Step 6 - If payment is required, you will be redirected to Stripe

Step 7 - Once you process your payment via Stripe, check your email for Booking Confirmation and receipt of payment


Why do I need to register?

Registration allows you to track your course history for CPD purposes. To track your CPD course history, please log in to the website and click on 'My CPD Courses'.


What is my Profile?

Your Profile contains your registration data. For example, you can change your password, email address and contact details via your Profile.


How do I access my Certificate of Attendance for a CPD I attended?

You can access a Certificate of Attendance for each CPD you attend with the Centre by following the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1 - Click the 'Login' button to log in to the Centre website

Step 2 - Click on 'My CPD Courses (old)'. Beside each CPD you have attended with the Centre you will see a 'Print' option under the 'CPD Cert' heading, or

                   Click on 'My Courses and Certs (New!)'. Beside each CPD you have attended with the Centre you will see a code e.g. KK12345

Step 3 - Click 'Print' or the relevant code, as appropriate, and a PDF Certificate of Attendance will automatically download to your computer