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Teacher/Artist Partnership+ (TAP+) CPD for Enhancing Arts and Creativity in Education in Ireland

Teacher/Artist Partnership+ (TAP+) CPD for Enhancing Arts and Creativity in Education in Ireland

Are you a Teacher who wants to work in partnership with an Artist?

If so, this free face-to-face Summer Course, with EPV day approval and opportunities to apply for a fully-funded Artist in Residence in your school, is for you!

The Teacher Artist Partnership+ (TAP+) face-to-face Summer Course is a CPD opportunity to explore partnership through Arts-in-Education within Primary schools. TAP+ also provides trained teachers with the opportunity to host a fully-funded TAP+ trained Artist in Residency in their school in the 2023-24 academic year. TAP+ improves literacy, numeracy and well-being in all schools, including DEIS. TAP+ will be offered across the Education Support Centres Ireland (ESCI) network of 21 full-time Education Support Centres this Summer 2023, supported by the Department of Education and Creative Ireland.

TAP+ is a highly innovative, creative and participant-responsive programme that promotes professional learning towards partnership. The TAP+ face-to-face Summer Course 2023 runs from Monday 3rd JulyFriday 7th July 2023. The Teacher Artist Partnership+ Residency programme 2023-24 will be available to eight participating schools in each of the 21 full-time Education Support Centres. Only schools whose teachers participated in the Summer Course 2023 will be eligible for a residency. Teachers who apply for a TAP+ in-school Residency and are successful in their application, will only be awarded a Residency through the Education Support Centre in which they have completed the TAP+ CPD Summer Course.

Course Properties

Course date 03-07-2023 9:30 am
Course End Date 07-07-2023 2:00 pm
Cut off date 26-06-2023 5:00 pm
Capacity 20
Individual Price Free
Speaker Teacher/Artist Partnership+ Trained Artist
Number Hours 20
Location Kilkenny Education Centre (R95 RH97)

Course Full