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Cúpla Focal 2025 - Learning the Basics of our Native Language (Primary) Webinar Series

Cúpla Focal 2025 - Learning the Basics of our Native Language (Primary) Webinar Series

This seven week online series will take place on the following dates; 20th and 27th January, 5th, 10th and 24th February and 3rd and 10th March 2025 from 4:30 - 5:30p.m.  each evening. 

You will be taught how to hold a basic conversation as Gaeilge. You will learn about the similarities and differences in syntax between English and Gaeilge. The focus will be on basic pronunciation, grammar, fun games and improving your conversational skills. At the end of the seven weeks, you will be confident in writing short, structured sentences. Brian will use the following resources to aid your learning;, and SingFónaic.

Brian Ó Gráinne

Is múinteoir bunscoile mé agus tá neart taithí agam bheith ag múineadh i nGaelscoileanna, Scoileanna Ghaeltachta agus i Scoileanna Náisiúnta. Chrúthaigh mé féin agus cara liom clár fónaice Gaeilge ar líne; SingFónaic ceithre bliana ó shin. Cuidíonn clár SingFónaic le páistí agus tuismitheoirí an 40 fóinéim Gaeilge a fhoghlaim agus a fhuaimniú tré leibhéil fónaice córasacha, carachtair grinn, liostaí deachtuithe, cluichí, rainn, amhráin agus dánta. Tá taithí agam bheith ag reáchtáil Ciorcal Cainte darbh ainm 'Cúpla Focal' i Steach Maoláin, Co. na Mí do dhaoine fásta.

Course Properties

Course date 20-01-2025 4:30 pm
Course End Date 10-03-2025 5:30 pm
Cut off date 10-03-2025 4:30 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free
Location Online (via Zoom)

Please LOGIN or REGISTER for this course

Seimineáir Ghréasáin ITOÉ | ESCI Webinars