CyberSafeKids Developing Digital Media Literacy Online Workshop Series
Do you engage regularly with children in a professional or voluntary capacity? This course will help you support children on their online journey.
This online workshop series will focus on developing participants’ digital media literacy. It will be divided into four interactive, 60 minute workshops (plus Q&A), taking place on four consecutive Wednesdays; Wednesday 26th April, Wednesday 3rd May, Wednesday 10th May and Wednesday 17th May 2023. The key learnings for each session will include:
Workshop #1 - Digital Media Literacy: Information and Targeting
- Different types of information online
- Intelligent design
- The impact of algorithms
- Targeted advertising
- Offers and quizzes
Workshop #2 - Digital Media Literacy: Privacy and Footprint
- Loss of privacy online
- The consequences of digital permanency
- Creating a positive footprint
- Digital rights and privacy
- Self representation
Workshop #3 - Digital Media Literacy: Cyberbullying
- Defining the problem
- Signs and symptoms
- Combating cyberbullying
- Developing policies
- The legal landscape
Workshop #4 - Digital Media Literacy: Responsible Digital Citizenship
- Bigger picture Digital Citizenship
- Positive online engagement
- Digital etiquette and ethics
- Digital security and commerce
- A brief look to the future
Established in 2015, CyberSafeKids is an Irish registered charity which works to empower children, parents/guardians and teachers to navigate the online world in a safe and responsible manner. Their founders and staff have backgrounds in cybercrime investigation, law enforcement, forensic psychology, education, online child protection, academia and the not-for-profit sector. CyberSafeKids can see, on a daily basis, how technology plays an increasingly important and integral part of both their present and future lives. It is being used more and more widely in schools. Whilst we view this as a positive, empowering development, even a standard smartphone can potentially allow a child to take risks which were unthinkable 20 years ago. To date, the charity has spoken directly to almost 40,000 children and to 9,000 parents/guardians. Based in robust global research, CyberSafeKids' educational sessions provide practical advice on how to embrace the opportunities for learning and enjoyment that technology can deliver, whilst equipping them with the tools to avoid harm. CyberSafeKids want children to be able to embrace the opportunities for learning and enjoyment that technology can deliver, but they recognise that, as parents/guardians and educators, we have a responsibility to equip them with the tools to stay safe and avoid harm. CyberSafekids is a member of Children's Rights Alliance (CRA), Media Literacy Ireland (MLI) and Mona O' Moore, one of their board members, is a Founding Director of the Anti-Bullying Centre at DCU. CyberSafeKids also have a close working relationship with Webwise.
Course Properties
Course date | 26-04-2023 7:00 pm |
Course End Date | 17-05-2023 8:00 pm |
Cut off date | 26-04-2023 7:00 pm |
Capacity | Unlimited |
Individual Price | Free |
Speaker | Olwyn Beresford, CyberSafeKids |
Number Hours | 4 |
Location | Online (via Zoom) |