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056-7760200 |

NEPS Group Consultation Meeting 2

Meetings will be facilitated by educational psychologists. Participants will have the opportunity to raise a wide range of issues, and to draw on the experience of teachers from other schools in the region working in similar settings. An emphasis is placed on sharing of resources and expertise between participants to promote best practice in supporting students with special educational needs.

 Suitable for:                        Post-Primary Special Education Teachers and Special Class Teachers

Duration:                             Approx 1½ hours starting at 3pm

Number of Meetings:   One per Term (total 4)

Venue:                                   Kilkenny Education Centre

If you are interested in taking part in this group consultation please register  2/3 days before each Cluster Meeting.

Course Properties

Course date 13-01-2025 3:00 am
Course End Date 13-01-2025 4:30 pm
Cut off date 10-01-2025 6:00 pm
Capacity 20
Individual Price Free
Location Kilkenny Education Centre (R95 RH97)

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