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Building My Resilience

Building My Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, adapt to change, and keep going in the face of challenges. In today's fast-paced and often stressful world, building resilience is an essential life skill for both personal and professional success. This workshop is designed to help participants understand the core principles of resilience, identify factors that build or weaken it, and develop practical strategies to enhance their own resilience and that of their students.


The workshop will provide tools and techniques to help participants navigate and manage stress, setbacks, and uncertainty with greater confidence and effectiveness.

Workshop Outline:

  • Understanding the concept of resilience
  • Factors that build and weaken resilience
  • Attributes of resilient individuals
  • Tools and strategies for boosting personal resilience
  • Promoting a culture of resilience in the classroom
  • Developing a resilient mindset

Learner Outcomes:

  1. Understanding Resilience: Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of what resilience is and why it is important. They will learn about the key attributes of resilient people and how these attributes can be developed and strengthened.
  2. Practical Resilience-Building Strategies: Attendees will learn practical tools and strategies to boost their own resilience. This includes techniques for managing stress, overcoming setbacks, and maintaining a positive and proactive mindset.
  3. Cultivating Resilience in Others: Participants will learn how to promote a culture of resilience within their classrooms. They will gain insights into supporting their students in developing resilience, equipping them with the skills to handle challenges and thrive in a changing world.

Course Properties

Course date 17-10-2024 4:00 pm
Course End Date 17-10-2024 5:00 pm
Cut off date 17-10-2024 1:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free
Location Online (via Zoom)

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